Wednesday 23 November 2016


The pastor narrated the shocking incident to
a a Grade C Customary Court sitting at
Agodi-Ibadan, while asking for a divorce
from his wife of 17 years. He said his wife
intended to make him mad but instead his
driver suffered the fate after he ate the
meal. Accusing his wife and mother of his
four children of being fetish, Johnson
claimed his wife has bad character and that
she is a threat to his life and other members
of his family.

He said: “The innocent driver ran mad few
hours after he had eaten the food and was
chained before we could take him to his family
for solution. She intended to run me mad, she
is fetish, diabolical and a threat to my life; in
fact, she killed my senior brother and my
father through her fetish ways.
“She almost succeeded in ruining my ministry
when she ganged up with my enemies to spoil
me before the big personalities that usually
come to my church for prayers. I have not
slept with her in the last 11 years because of
her bad character. I will kill her if the court
should decline my request to separate us.”

In her defense, the wife said: “He neither
cared for me nor for the four children of the
marriage but always abusing me whenever he
is preaching on the pulpit in the church. He
accused me of being a witch and possessed
spiritual power and I had challenged him to do
deliverance for me since he is a pastor.
“I did not kill his father and brother- in-law.
My husband abandoned me 11 years ago when
he married another woman who had bore
three kids for him,” she said, pleading with
the court not to dissolve the marriage for
the sake of the children.
In his ruling, the court president, Chief
Mukaila Balogun, dissolved the marriage and
ordered two children to be with the plaintiff
while the custody of the remaining two
children should be with their mother.
He ordered the plaintiff to be paying N8, 000
monthly as maintenance allowance for the
two children that are in the custody of their
mother, also directing that the plaintiff pay
N12, 000 as house rent and N5, 000 as
transport fees for the defendant to pack her
load from the plaintiff’s house.
I bet if we can turn back the hands of time now and ask this pastor to marry this woman again he will run for his life .young ministers beware .#kingdom


The Nigerian army has denied killed
members of the Movement for the
Actualisation of a Sovereign State Of Biafra
(MASSOB) and the Indigenous People Of
Biafra (IPOB) and accused them of
committing heinous crimes.

In a statement by Colonel Sani Kukasheka
Usman who is the spokesperson of the
army, he reacted to a planned release of
Amnesty International that reportedly
accused the army of carry out extra-judicial
killing of member of the separatist groups.

Usman however accused the international
group of peddling lies and said it was an
attempt to tarnish the image of the army.
He said the group actually selected people
living in their region who were from other
pats of the country and killed them.
Read the statement below:
The attention of the Nigerian Army has been
drawn to a planned release of a report by
Amnesty International on an unfounded
storyline of mass killings of MASSOB/IPOB
protesters by the military between August
2015 and August 2016. We wish to debunk
the insinuation that our troops perpetrated
the killing of defenceless agitators. This is
an outright attempt to tarnish the reputation
of the security forces in general and the
Nigerian Army in particular, for whatever
inexplicable parochial reasons. For
umpteenth times, the Nigerian Army has
informed the public about the heinous intent
of this Non-Governmental Organisation
which is never relenting in dabbling into our
national security in manners that obliterate
objectivity, fairness and simple logic.
The evidence of MASSOB/IPOB violent
secessionist agitations is widely known
across the national and international
domains. Their modus operandi has
continued to relish violence that threatens
national security. Indeed between August
2015 and August 2016, the groups’ violent
protests have manifested unimaginable
atrocities to unhinge the reign of peace,
security and stability in several parts of the
South East Nigeria. A number of persons
from the settler communities that hailed
from other parts of the Country were
selected for attack, killed and burnt. Such
reign of hate, terror and ethno-religious
controversies that portend grave
consequences for national security have
been averted severally through the
responsiveness of the Nigerian Army and
members of the security agencies.
These security agencies are always targeted
for attack by the MASSOB/IPOB instruments
of barbarism and cruelty. For instance, in
the protests of 30 – 31 May 2016, more than
5 personnel of the Nigeria Police were killed,
while several soldiers were wounded, Nigeria
Police vehicles were burnt down same as
several others of the Nigerian Army that
were vandalized. The strategic Niger Bridge
at Onitsha came under threat thus leading to
disruption of socio-economic activities. In
the aftermath of the encounter that ensued
between security agencies and MASSOB/
IPOB militants many of own troops sustained
varying degrees of injury. In addition, the
MASSOB/IPOB recurrent use of firearms,
crude weapons as well as other cocktails
such as acid and dynamites to cause
mayhem remain a huge security threat
across the Region.

In these circumstances, the Nigerian Army
under its constitutional mandates for Military
Aid to Civil Authority (MACA) and Military
Aid to Civil Powers (MACP) has continued to
act responsively in synergy with other
security agencies to de-escalate the series
of MASSOB/IPOB violent protests.
Instructively, the military and other security
agencies exercised maximum restraints
despite the flurry of provocative and
unjustifiable violence, which MASSOB/IPOB

The adherence to Rules of Engagement by
the military has been sacrosanct in all of
these incidents. Therefore, it is rather
unfortunate for the Amnesty International to
allow itself to be lured into this cheap and
unpopular venture that aims to discredit the
undeniable professionalism as well as
responsiveness of the Nigerian Army in the
discharge of its constitutional roles.


Good morning...Have u done two of the most

important things when you wake up today?
1)Pray, so that u may live...

2)Take a bath-so that others may live too!

Good morning people

Tuesday 22 November 2016


Nigeria From The Eyes Of Fredrick Lord Lugard:
Was He Right Or Wrong!

"In character and temperament" wrote Lord Lugard, "the  typical African of this race-type is a happy,  thriftless, excitable person. Lacking in self control, discipline, and foresight. Naturally courageous, and  naturally courteous and polite, full of personal vanity, with  little sense of veracity, fond of music and loving weapons as an oriental loves jewelry. His thoughts are concentrated on the events and feelings of the moment, and he suffers little from the apprehension for the  future or grief for the past… He lacks the power of organization, and is  conspicuously deficient in the management and control alike of  men or business. He loves the display of power, but  fails to realize its responsibility.(Pg 70 of The Dual Mandate by F.D.Lugard 1926).

I never stop thinking of Nigeria. We have a nation with so much but little to show over 50 years of independence…

What happened? What went wrong? Looking at the past you will agree that we need to go back to the very beginning and fix it…you don’t start building a pyramid from the top, you start from the base…we must start all over again…but we must start with credible leaders who are selfless and are ready to die for what they believe to be true in moving Nigeria to the promised land…its not an easy task, but we must start by resisting the status quo…we must stop giving our leaders excuses to be irresponsible…what will it take to cut down salaries of our representatives? What will it take to stop even the FG from exploiting the very people she claims to be working for? We are buying everything for so much? Our power tariff is one of the highest in the world? Our housing scheme is an apology? Our call tariff is about the highest in the world yet they are planning to start taxing us for making calls? Our roads are not good yet they are planning to start extracting monies from us in the name of speed limiter? What is wrong with our leaders? Individualism? Leadership illiteracy? Pride? Selfishness? Wickedness? Lack of sense of humanity? There is currently no incentives for Nigerians to be good citizens? Its the rat race, everyone is trying to trample on his neighbor in order to make a daily living?

Ultimately, most of our leaders are illiterates of the 21st century! The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. '
Alvin Toffler...

You are an illiterate if you cannot learn, unlearn and relearn…food for thought for those who really want to learn, unlearn and relearn….

Good evening Jos-Nigeria

This is from a Value Based No Excused Leadership Perspective….

Pst Samuel Kyarshik


- Ayo Makun is an multi-award winning
Nigerian actor and comedian
- The hardworking comedian is breaking
grounds with his recently released movie
"A trip to Jamaica"
- The movie is said to be highest ever
grossing Nollywood movie in Nigerian
cinema history

Ayo Makun popularly known as AY is a
Nigerian actor and comedian. He hails
from Ondo state, western region of
Nigeria. AY had always had a flare for
the arts, in Delta state University,
Abraka where he studied arts he was
awarded severally for his works and

Having gained popularity in the
entertainment industry he kept on
delivering good stuff that grew his fan
base. He released a movie titled: A Trip
to Jamaica, that shook the Nigerian
cinema history.

The movie featured some of the big
names in the industry including the
beautiful Nse Ikpe Etim and Funke

The movie which was released 30th
September, 2016 is said to have grossed
over 137 million naira beating his
previous Guinness record for his "30
days in Atlanta" movie. AY is the only
movie producer to have hit that record
twice in Nigeria.

The movie has beaten the box office
revenues of all the big budget
Hollywood titles released in 2016 here
in Nigeria. These include; Batman Vs.
Superman, Suicide Squad, Captain
America, to mention only a few.
Congrats to the super talented and
creative comedian. He makes us proud.


Six people have been killed following cult
clashes in Ogba-Egbema – Ndoni Local
government area of Rivers state.
About 6 people have been reportedly killed
following renewed cult hostilities in Rivers

The development is a set back to effort of
the newly appointed Caretaker Committee
Chairman, a renowned Lawyer, Osi Olisah
and the government’s Amnesty Programme
to restore peace in the volatile ONELGA.
Yesterday, notorious and heavily armed
group known as Squanta Force, one of the
groups which has refused to accept the
amnesty offer of the state government,
attacked a multinational company killing
three Civil Defence officers and left four
others with life-threatening bullet injuries.

According to Daily Post, the group, said to
be camped near an oil-well in the creek of
Obiafo in Ndoni part of ONELGA, and led by
one Ave-Boy engaged the helpless Civil
Defence officers who were caught napping.
A picture of a notice pasted on the wall of
the scene of the attack indicates that
Squanta Force are members of aggrieved
youths from ONELGA.

An army official, civil defense officers and a
civilian have been reportedly killed by
cultists in Rivers state.

In the same vein, another group of unknown
gunmen shot and killed a military officer and
a civilian at a round about junction also in
Ndoni, ONELGA in Rivers state.


A man of God has become the talk of
town after he performed a miracle in front of
a crowd in Ebonyi.
Bishop Dr. Sam Zuga performing the wonder

The pastor, Bishop Dr. Sam Zuga, reportedly
turned cold water into hot water in Onica
local government area of the state. It was
gathered that the Igwe of the community
and other people from the crowd felt the
water before and after the miracle just to
confirm the miracle.

David Mzer who shared the news on
Facebook wrote: “Cold water became hot after
the prayer of Bishop Dr sam zuga in Onica
local government of Ebonyi state. The Igwe of
the community and other people from the
crowd tested to confirm. Jesus Christ the
same yesterday and today and forever.”
See photos and how people reacted to the


I am so dumbfounded, perplexed and amazed at
the kind of Christians we have today. I do not
understand what is going on in so many called
churches. Neither do I understand the so called
Christians that attend the shrines turn churches.
I can’t help myself but ask, what Bible do this
people read? Is it the same Bible I have or there
is another type of Bible that they read that leave
them brainwashed.

 I do not understand why
most Christians of today will rather choose to
put man in the place of God in their lives. It is
amazing how the people of God have reduced
themselves from the level of humans to the level
of animals. Having minds but never using them.
Brains that never get to think or question the
falsehood that it dished to them.

It all started with people going to their pastors to
pray for them, which there is nothing wrong
about. But my question is do you have to call
your pastor or go to your pastor’s office for
prayers over every little thing in your life? What
stops you from talking to God about your
problems and needs yourself? This only tells me
how far many Christians are from God and how
much most Christians do not have a personal
relationship with God.

The scripture said those
that are led by the spirit of God are the sons of
God, not those that are led by pastors. It didn’t
stop there; Christians started paying money to
their pastors (native doctors) for prayers. I really
do not understand where in the Bible this was
ever practice or where Jesus charged anyone to
pray for them.
Then the so God Pastors started going deeper in
their practices. They prophecy and tell you how
your family members and friends are the ones
killing you and are after your progress. They
celebrate the devil and make so many dramas all
in the name of casting out demons.

Where in the
Bible did we find these kinds of practices? When
did Jesus or the disciples ever give this kind of
prophecies? Inflicting fear in the hearts of people
and turning them against their family and friends.
Why do they have to know the source of the
demon or problem before casting the demon
out? Where in the Bible did we get this doctrine
from? Is it from Jesus or from the disciples or
from the early church?

It has now gotten to the point whereby these
native doctors turn pastors will tell their
members to eat grass and they will eat. Flog
members as a sign of discipline and match on
pregnant women all in the name of casting out

It was out in the news recently, how an innocent
little child was chained in the church for days
without food or water just because according to
the native doctor who called himself a pastor
and also the father of the child, he stole meat.
I sincerely think it is high time the government in
the different nations in Africa and especially
Nigeria begin to take a close look at these
churches that violate human rights. These
shrines called churches has to be closed down
and urgently too.
My heart goes out to the innocent children that
have been a victim of these practices. I want to
call on every Christian to go back to their Bible
and study it for their selves. Build a personal
relationship with God and let the Holy Spirit lead
you that is the only way you will overcome these
evil days.
Stop running about for miracles. Stop trying to
get something for nothing. Many people have
become a victim in the hands of these native
doctors (pastors) because of greed and the lack
of desire for hard work. Do not be deceived my
brethren, for it is written in the last days many
false prophets shall arise. Be very careful who
you follow and listen to. Make sure you weigh
their teachings on the world of God. If it is not in
line with the world of God then it is from the pit
of hell.

By Dr. Bien Sufficient
Dr. Bien Sufficient is a Medical Doctor, Pastor,
Writer and a Public Speaker.President @Kingdom
Lifestyle Movement.


my video The Truth Behind Hip Hop 6 – Detained for Entry, I spoke about aliens being evil spirits that do the work of Satan,the prince and power of the air. The bible speaks to us in Revelations 16 about threefrog-like spirits that will control earths political leaders and usher in the final conflict on Earth.John, the writer of Revelations, had no other frame of reference to describe what these beings looked like so, he used the frog to describe these alien demons. Grey aliens are inter dimensional beings  that  control the elite and all the powers of earth. Rituals are performed by high level satanists  to invoke the powers of darkness and the will of these high rankingbeings.

The elite must utilize these demons in order to achieve special powersand influence. Celebrities use them for fame and musical artists even sing about them to increase their popularity. Our government and all the world powers are under the influence of these alien beings and they will eventually wage war against God to end all things.David Blaine is a high level warlock that uses power from these aliens to do magic and perform rituals during his shows. He uses celebrities that have sold their souls to Satan to gain influence and popularity. Blaine is full of demons and many of his performances are merely rituals to put demon spirits into those that are watching and enjoying them.

When you enjoy his magic, you open yourself up to receive the spirits he is invoking. In this frog trick, he is mocking the book of revelations and spitting up 3 frogs to symbolize the frog like spirits that comes out of Satan’s end time agents according to the bible.Rev. 16:13-14And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

In the video below, David Blaine to demon possessed and even uses the 3rd eye in his hand to protect himself from death!People please beware. These rituals are dangerous and not just for entertainment but for you to be detained while somethingenters you! We are in the last days and the devil has escalated his agenda. He will always use celebrities, politicians, and those with major influence to do his bidding in exchange for more stardom andpopularity. Don’t be deceived. Any one thatis promoting himself is not promoting God.And any illusion, slight of hand, or magic trick that is meant to deceive is deception. Wake up people, our redeemer draweth nigh!.
Pst Craig Lewis #exministries

Monday 21 November 2016


Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor and his wifesurrounded by large security detailThe Senior Pastor of the Word of Life Church Warri, Ayo Oritsejafor and his wife Helen are pictured arriving at an event over the weekend, surrounded by a large security detail. More photos after the cut.


Popular American televangelist, Reverend
Benny Hinn, has stated unequivocally, that
Nigerian pastors own the biggest churches
in the United Kingdom.

The American preacher who was recently in
the country for a crusade, expressed his joy
with the latest trend of Nigerians taking the
gospel to other parts of the world.

Reverend Hinn who also reserved special
commendation for the likes of Pastor E A
Adeboye, Bishop David Oyedepo, among
others, stated categorically that things have
changed for the better in the country when
compared to the way they were many years
ago when he was in Nigeria.

In an interview with Vanguard, he said:
“When you go to the UK, the biggest churches
there are pastored by Nigerians. When you go
to other parts of Europe, it’s the same thing
and same thing with America.

“Some of the big churches in London today are
led by Nigerians. When you go to Germany,
it’s the same thing and they are intense in a
good way. I love that and I think I want to
move here.”


The second meeting between the Senate
and the Academic Staff Union of Universities
(ASSU) has ended in deadlockon Monday
night, November 21.

The 8 hour-meeting that was convoked
to put an end to an ongoing strike of
education workers and find solutions to a
number of related issues seem to be ended
without any particular results.

Senator Jibrin Barau, the chairman of the
Senate committee on tertiary education and
TETFund, said: “You can see we have spent
about 8 hours in this very important meeting.
We have deliberated and, thanks to God, we
have dealt with all the issues and we have
agreed on all the issues except one.
We have adjourned to make consultations,
every sections of the meeting will get back to
his constituency and report to it what

At a later date we will reconvene to thrash out
the remaining issues.”
The last unresolved issued turned to be
unpaid salaries and allowances of the
Lecturers .

Mr Barau added: “It is about the earned
allowances that need to be paid to the
university lecturers.
The government, due to paucity of fund,
proposed a certain amount of money but
ASUU founn the sum was quite inadequate.
The union said it was going back to its
members, make consultations and get back to
us. We do hope they will come back with
good news.”
The meeting was adjourned indefinitely.


Zamfara state governor, Abdulaziz Yari, said
on Monday, November 21, that 155 persons
had been killed by bandits in less than a
month in the state.
Governor Yari says bandits have caused
several deaths in communities within
Zamfara, he also said that many people have
been kidnapped in the last 30 days.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports
that Yari disclosed this in a statewide
broadcast on the security challenges facing
the state.
The governor also stated that over 50
persons had been kidnapped during the

Yari explained that 53 persons were killed in
Shinkafi Local Government Area; 50 in Maru
Local Government Area ; 37 in Maradun Local
Government Area; and 15 in Zurmi Local
Government Area .

The governor said even though the Federal
Government had launched a military
operation against the bandits in July, the
criminals regrouped and returned with
vendetta, killing and kidnapping innocent
people and demanding large sums of money
as ransom.

Monday, the state government
had set up a crisis management committee
comprising security agents, civil servants,
legislators and retired security agents.

The governor said the body was charged
with the responsibility of assessing the
damages caused by the activities of the
hoodlums to enable the government to
assist the victims.

Yari appealed to the Federal Government to
deploy more military personnel to the state
to defeat the bandits.


Governor Lalong said on Monday, November
21, that the South West All Progressives
Congress governors who were absent at the
Saturday APC Mega Gubernatorial rally in
Akure, Ondo, had sent in their apologies and
given cogent reasons for their absence.
Ex-governor of Lagos state was notably
absent, as President Buhari led the APC to a
grand rally in Ondo state.

He said that the national leader of the party,
Tinubu, was not at the rally due to ill-health.
Lalong, who is the Chairman of Ondo APC
Governorship Campaign Council, made this
known to State House correspondents after
a closed door meeting with President
Muhammadu Buhari in the Presidential Villa,

The Akure APC rally, which was witnessed
by President Muhammadu Buhari, Senate
President Bukola Saraki, and other prominent
members of the party , was attended by only
Governor Ibikunle Amosun of Ogun from the
South West.

The APC governors from Imo, Kano, Kogi,
Jigawa, Nasarawa and Edo states attended
the rally.
The governors of Lagos, Oyo and Osun
states, Mr. Akinwumi Ambode, Sen. Abiola
Ajimobi and Mr. Rauf Aregbosola
respectively, as well as former governor of
Lagos State, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, were also
absent at the event.

According to The Punch, Governor Lalong,
who was accompanied by the Minister of
Mines and Steel Development, Dr Kayode
Fayemi, however, explained that all the
prominent APC personalities who failed to
attend the rally had offered useful and
convincing explanations.
He said that the national leader of the party,
Tinubu, was not at the rally due to ill-health.
He said: “We explained their absence. They
sent in their apologies. You heard what
happened there.

“As far as we are concerned, the President,
who is the leader of the party, was at the rally.
The national chairman was also there, as far
as we are concerned, everybody was there.
“If a leader was not there and he said he was
not there because of ill-health, we prayed that
God will heal him.”
Lalong said he was in the Villa to thank the
President for attending the Ondo rally.
He said: “We have come to thank the
President for going to Ondo for the grand
finale rally.’’
Tinubu, who is being addressed as National
leader of the APC, had opposed the
emergence of Rotimi Akeredolu as APC
governorship candidate in Ondo.
He, therefore, demanded the resignation of
the national chairman of the party, Chief
John Odigie-Oyegun, whom he said had
derailed from the path of progressives.
Odigie-Oyegun, however, dismissed the call,
saying the party’s primary election was free
and fair.Now let the ball start rolling



One of the world's most wanted men, Rachid Kassim, has disclosed, beheading his supposedly ‘enemies of Allah’ as one of his pleasures. French-born Kassim, who has been linked to murders of Catholic priest, policeman and partner; gave his first on-the-record interview to a Washington-based academic in the state, which researches jihadism.

 In thesensational interview, Rachid Kassim claimed beheading ISIS prisoners was 'a pleasure' and said that the saddest thing about fleeing France for Syria was that of leaving his pet cat behind.Kassim became one of the world's most wanted men after he was linked to a string of terror attacks in Europe; which includes the murder of a Catholic priest near Normandy in France, and the slaughter of a policeman and his partner near Paris.

According to Mail Online, Kassim released a footage where he praised his attacks and promised more atrocities in France, while beheading a prisoner on the film.The 29-year-old also appeared in a propaganda video for Islamic State just six days after Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhel murdered 86 people in the 'July Nice terror attack', which took place on Bastille Day.

Kassim is also believed to have run an encrypted app called Telegram, which is used by jihadists to share tips on how to carry out terror attacks. The app was taken offline by French security services in September.When asked how it had felt to behead a prisoner, he said: 'To behead an animal, it would be difficult, with enemies of Allah, it is a pleasure.'

He revealed that he fled France after being placed under constant surveillance because of his radical views. He left forSyria in the middle of the night, taking his wife and young daughter with him with just 1,500 Euros in his pocket.'I thought of attacking France when I was there, and my family was afraid because of it,' he said. 'The cops knew about me.

Every time I went jogging, there were always two cops following me. Then theyhide. It was ridiculous. 'We left everything behind. Especially my cat. I had a wonderful cat that I left in Gaziantep. It was one of the saddest things about my hijrah (migration to Syria).'Kassim is also known as Ibn Qassim.


Lazarus Nwafor, a 26-year-old Catholic Seminarian slaughtered by Fulani herdsmen who invaded Ndiagu, Akagwe-Ugwu. Nkanu-West Local Government Area of Enugu State on August, 2016, has been buried.The rampaging herdsmen also ripped open the stomach of a six month pregnant woman. Four members of Ogbodo Nwarum family, whose house the slain Seminarian was a tenant, also sustained machete cuts.

Late Nwafor was laid to rest along with his father on Friday, November 18th, at Akaegbe Uwu in Nkanu West LGA of Enugu State.The older Nwafor slumpedand died after he heard of the death of his son. May their souls rest in peace, Amen.


Sunday 20 November 2016


Tragedy struck at  Ozoro,
headquarters of Isoko North Local Government
Area, Delta State, weekend, as a 43-year-old
woman was electrocuted in the community.
Simply identified as Mama Oyibo, the woman,
a mother of four, it was gathered, was
electrocuted by a naked electricity wire that
was dangling on the wall of her apartment at
the Urude quarter of the community.

Disclosing that the deceased was a petty
trader and a farmer, a source, who preferred
anonymity, told Vanguard that the woman had
returned from her farm at about 6p.m., Friday,
and decided to rest by leaning on the wall.

The source said: “Unknown to her, there was
a naked wire on the wall, which someone was
obviously working on before there was power
cut in the community.

“Part of her body was on the wire when power
was suddenly restored and she was
electrocuted. At first, she fainted with the
shock and was immediately rushed to a
nearby hospital by her neighbours for medical

“There were initial fears that she had died, but
she started showing signs of recovery and
everybody thought she was in stable condition.
But we were shocked when we received
information some hours later that she died.”



#many people have asked: 'what really is marriage? Because the stories that we have heard and  have seen daily are increasing at an alarming rate. Some people have said:'what is in it for us if great ministers like: Chris Okotie, Chris Oyakilome Isreal Houghton, Juinta bynum, Noel Jones, and many others are divorced". Now its obvious that its not the getting married that counts, but the staying married. Below is the brief reminder of Pastor Chris Okotie's marriage which is no more.

Following an outburst by Stephannie, about
why her marriage to the Pastor crashed,
Chris Okotie for the first time since their
breakup, tongue-lashed his ex-wife,
referring to her as a ‘Jezebel’.

According to reports, Pastor Chris openly
spoke against Stephannie during sermon on
Sunday, August 12.

During the sermon, he was said to have
been bitter as he related ‘his experience in
the hands’ of Stephannie. He verbally
attacked her, thereafter comparing her to
Jezebel in the Bible. Pastor Chris said he
was free to judge her, as he kept saying
that ‘he suffered much in her hands’, but
failed to say what exactly was her offence.

Pastor Chris Okotie and Stephanie - when all was going on just fine.

Chris and Stephanie …when the going was
He was also quoted to have said she is free
to say whatever she likes about him, and if
she likes, she could go to CNN or BBC but
he would never accept her back into his life.

Since their divorce, Pastor Chris was also
said to have taken back the gift of two
cars, a Benz S Class and a BMW X6 he
bought for her during their four years
marriage. It would be recalled that in June
this year, Pastor Chris Okotie, who is also
the head of Household of God Church,
Lagos, announced his marriage break-up to
his second wife, Stephannie Henshaw.

The glamorous marriage between him and
his beautiful wife crashed less than four
years after their big wedding.

In a dramatic
announcement after a moving ministration,
he told his church their differences were
irreconcilable and that they had divorced.

“Stephanie and I are no longer married. We
have separated. You can see she’s not in
church today. It’s due to irreconcilable
differences and you should please respect
our wishes at this time because there is no
going back.”

Does it always have to result to an outburst or a quarrel. Why do they all end up been at  each other's throat. What are we not getting right? Is this the will of God', is this the initial plan?
                 #to be continued.....


Friday 18 November 2016


Chairman of Innoson Group, Chief Innocent
Ifediaso Chukwuma OFR has presented the latest
version of Innoson IVM G12 designed solely for
military operations to the Chief of Army Staff Lt
Gen T. Y Buratai.

The Army Headquarters received the vehicles at
the Tactical Headquarter of Operation Lafiya
Dole, Maimalari Barracks Maiduguri, Borno State.


Even though Election night didn’t give us the
history-making moment we were all expecting,
for Stockton City, Calif., Councilman Michael
Tubbs, election night was doubly historic. Not
only did he become the city’s first black mayor,
but he also becomes the youngest mayor in the
city’s history , according to the Stockton Record.
“I’m tired of talking about where we’ve been. I’m
more interested in talking about where we’re
going. We have to mature as a community and
start demanding solutions,” Tubbs told the
audience at his victory party Tuesday night.
Tubbs defeated embattled incumbent Anthony
Silva , 41, who recently became embroiled in
scandal after he was arrested at his youth camp
and accused of giving alcohol to minors and
recording them playing strip poker.

Tubbs, a Stanford grad who interned at Google
and the White House, decided to go back to his
hometown to help make a difference after his
cousin was killed at a Halloween party in 2010 ,
according to Complex. For the past three years,
he’s served on the City Council, working to bring
health clinics to his district and improve the
relationship between the community and the

some will say its impossible in this country ,but it seems every other country in the world is doing the impossible .This is a wake up call to Nigerian youths .#nigerianyouths#wakeupcall#wecandotheimmpossible


Three brothers from Chokoneze in Ezinihitte
Mbaise local government area of Imo state
have allegedly dumped Christianity for
According to a Facebook page, Islamic
Calling Family, which reported the case, the
brothers who are from the same parents
embraced the religion of peace two days
ago. They immediately changed their names
from Chinonso to Hassan, Chika now
answers Musa while Chibuzor now prefers to
be called Abdulrahman. They are now in an
Islamic school in Kaduna state to have basic
Islamic education. See the post as reported

Three brothers of same parents from
Chokoneze in Ezinihitte Mbaise L.g.a Imo
State. Accepted Islam 2 days ago. Chinonso
now Hassan, Chika now Musa. Chibuzor now
Abdulrahman. They are now in Islamic school
in Kaduna state to have basic Islamic

They immediately changed their names from
Chinonso to Hassan, Chika now answers
Musa while Chibuzor now prefers to be
called Abdulrahman.

The three brothers who are from the same
parents embraced the religion of peace two
days ago.


A Mexican man who ways about 500kg has
been called the world’s fattest man.

He has not left his bed in six years and now
he is about to undergo an operation. The
man, Juan Pedro Franco is 32-years-old.

Franco is being taken to a medical facility
so they can examine him to see if he can
walk again.

Evidently, his years of immobility has even
forced him to gain more weight. Doctors
hope to help him regain use of his muscles
so he can start to lose weight.

Photos of him being transported to the
hospital have emerged and he looked quite
cheerful as he took pictures and make
phone calls.


Three suicide bombers suspected to be
Boko Haram members have attempted to hit
the Federal High Court in Jidari Polo area of
Maiduguri, the Borno state capital on
November 18, Friday.

According to Sahara Reporters, the bombers
could not do much harm as Nigerian police
contingent stationed in a Catholic church
nearby killed the attackers made up of a
male and two females before they could
impose damage to anybody.

The sources noted that one of the bombers,
a female took off her suicide vest and ran
towards the security operatives with her
hands raised and was caught alive.
The attacker then set off her bomb which
killed her male partner.

Police officers in the state told journalists
that only the suicide bombers died in the

The female bomber on the team who
surrendered has been arrested and taken
into custody by the Nigerian army.
Before the Nigerian troops recapture
Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state was
epicentre of the Boko Haram insurgency,
Boko Haram has frequently used female and
child suicide bombers to mount their attacks,
particularly in the past year, as a Nigerian
and regional military crackdown has stripped
the group of the territory it once held.
Police operatives on the scene of the attack
on November 18, Friday.


Barnabas Gemade, the senator representing
Benue North-East Senatorial Zone was again,
caught sleeping on the floor of the senate while
his colleagues were debating on a bill today,
November 17th.

When will the Nigerian youths awaken to their responsibilities ,we need to to start moving on to the next agenda with a new order .#nigerianyouths#sleepingonduty


A Muslim cleric who serves as the
administrative secretary of the Jama’atu Nasirl
Islam, JNI, in Plateau State, Abdulaziz Yusuf,
was kidnapped yesterday evening along the
Kaduna- Jos expressway.
According to reports, Yusuf was kidnapped as
he was heading home after leaving Kaduna
state where he had gone to pay a condolence
visit to the Family of the late Sultan of Sokoto,
Ibrahim Dasuki, who died recently. He was
abducted alongside his driver. The state police
command is now working to rescue the cleric
and his driver.

Kidnappers of Islamic cleric, Sheikh Abdulaziz
Yusuf, have demanded a N60 million ransom as
condition for his release.

Publicity Secretary for JNI, Abubakar Aliyu, who
disclosed this on Thursday, described the
incident as unfortunate and urged members of
the organization to pray for the safe release of
the captives.

"The unfortunate rise of kidnappings in
Nigeria is very alarming, as this is the
third in the series of kidnapping that has
happened to the JNI" he said in a

"The first was Sheikh Adam Abdullahi
Idoko, JNI Vice President-General, South
East, in September, 2015. The second
was Engr. Muhammad Lawal Maidoki,
Member JNI Central Publicity Committee,
in September, 2016, and now Sheikh
Abdul’Aziz Yusuf. We therefore, implore
all Jumu’ah Imams to include the matter
in their Khutbah for enlightenment
and Du’a tomorrow Friday,

18th November, 2016 and pray fervently
for the safe and unconditional release of
Sheikh Abdul’Aziz Yusuf, who is over 80
years of age."


Former President Goodluck Jonathan visited
Sokoto state yesterday to pay a condolence
visit to the family of the late Sultan of Sokoto,
Ibrahim Dasuki, who died recently. During his
visit, some residents of the state were seen
carrying placards with the inscription "Come
back baba Jonathan". Another photo after the cut 


Nigerian death row convict, Chijoke Stephen
Obioha was executed in Singapore early this
morning, after the Court of Appeal dismissed an
Urgent Criminal Motion filed by his lawyer, Mr
Joseph Chen, yesterday.

The Singapore Anti-Death Penalty Campaign
member, Mr Ravi, who is assisting Mr Joseph
with the research for the case, took to his
Facebook page an hour ago to announce the

"This morning, at 6am, the execution of Chijioke
Stephen Obioha took place. I am not even sure
if his family from Nigeria were able to attend.
Soon it will be all forgotten together with
Chijioke’s name, but for the many of us who
fight and campaign to eradicate this barbaric
practice of death by hanging, and for those of
us who challenge the mandatory death penalty
for drug trafficking in Singapore, our work will
go on. And it must."

In an update, Mr Ravi said that he is making
arrangement with the Roman Catholic Prison
Ministry to claim his body for proper burial
today or tomorrow.

"Update: I'm currently arranging with the Roman
Catholic Prison Ministry ( RCPM) to claim the
body of Chijioke from the Singapore Prisons
Service for a proper funeral in accordance with
his religious beliefs.The funeral will take place
either today or tomorrow depending on how
soon the SPS could release the body.
Will keep you posted"

Chijoke was first arrested in 2007 and
sentenced to the Mandatory Death Penalty in
2008 after being found guilty of trafficking more
than 2kg of Cannabis. His execution tomorrow
will bring and end to possibly the longest delay
between sentencing and execution. Chijoke has
spent almost 8 years on death row and more
than 9 years behind bars.
The resultant effect of "get rich or dia trying", if only we can all find purpose and meaning of life .#marmone#money#pursuitofwealth


A commercial bus driver identified as Saminu
Bara'u popularly known as Danlami was
allegedly killed by a trigger-happy police officer
in Maraban Jos, Kaduna State on Tuesday
November 15th. Facebook user who shared the
story, calling for justice, wrote;

"The incidence occurred around 8pm of
Tuesday 15th November 2016 while the
victim was seated outside his residence
in Maraban Jos when a team of police
stormed the area in the name of patrol.
Having fractured his leg and being
innocent, Danlami remain seated as the
police arrived.

One Police Officer nicknamed KURA
(literarilly mean Hyena) ordered Danlami
to stand up and run before he shoots
him, which he calmly replied that he
cannot run because his leg is fractured
displaying his crutches. Unfortunately for
Danlami, the barbaric KURA shot him to
dead (the pic). Immediately after he shot
Danlami, angry youths descended on
KURA and were about to take jungle
justice on him. It took the intervention of
some respected elders and a human
right activist (name with-held) to rescue
him. The case has since been filed at
Unguwan Sunusi Police Station and we
learnt that KURA was transferred to
State CID. Our fear is the usual, we don't
want the case dead at arrival just
because a Police Officer involved.
 Let us
stand up for justice! Let us think of his
wife and 3 kids! The State Government
should do something!! The IGP should
ensure KURA is brought to book!!! Keep
sharing until justice is done. All we want
is #Justice4Danlami......... May his soul
rest in peace.
Where are the much needed kingdom Police men? Can something be done about this ? #nigerianpolice#kingdomsoldiers


Have you not succeeded? Continue!
Have you succeeded? Continue!
         #Fridoff Nansen



Rick Warren

Born Richard Duane Warren
January 28, 1954 (age 62)
San Jose, California , U.S.
Nationality American
Occupation Pastor, Author
Religion Southern Baptist ,
Spouse(s) Kay Warren

Richard Duane "Rick " Warren (born January 28, 1954) is an American
evangelical Christian pastor and author. He is the founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church, an evangelical megachurch in Lake Forest, California , that is the eighth-largest church in the United States (including multi-site churches).

He is also a bestselling author of many Christian books, including his guide to church ministry and evangelism, The Purpose Driven Church, which has spawned a series of conferences on Christian ministry and evangelism. He is perhaps best known for the subsequent book The Purpose Driven Life which has sold more than 30 million copies, making Warren a New York Times bestselling author .

Warren holds conservative theological views and traditional evangelical views on social issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, abstinence-only education over the use of condoms to prevent HIV/AIDS, and embryonic stem-cell research .

During the 2008 United States presidential election , Warren hosted the Civil Forum on the Presidency at his church with both presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama . Obama later sparked controversy when he asked Warren to give the invocation at the presidential inauguration in January 2009.

Early life and education

Warren was born in San Jose, California , the son of Jimmy and Dot Warren. His father was a Baptist minister, his mother a high-school librarian. [ clarification needed ] He was raised in Ukiah, California , and graduated from Ukiah High School in 1972, where he founded the first Christian club on the school's campus, The Fishers of Men Club. His sister, Chaundel, is married to Saddleback pastor Tom Holladay. His brother, Jim C. Warren, died in 2007.

Warren received a Bachelor of Arts degree from California Baptist University in Riverside, California; a
Master of Divinity degree from
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1979) in Fort Worth, Texas; and a Doctor of Ministry degree from
Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.

Warren has been married to Kay Warren since June 21, 1975. They have three adult children (Amy, Josh, and Matthew) and four grandchildren. He considers Billy Graham , Peter Drucker , and his own father to be among his mentors.

Because of the success of his book sales, in 2005 Warren returned his 25 years of salary to the church and discontinued taking a salary. He says he and his wife became "reverse
tithers ," giving away 90% of their income and living off 10%.
Warren’s youngest son, Matthew, took his own life April 6, 2013, after years of struggling with mental illness. Almost a year after his son’s suicide, Warren launched a ministry to educate the Church on its role to help people struggling with mental illness with a Mental Illness and the Church Gathering in March 2014. In the year following the suicide, Warren says that more than 10,000 people wrote to him about their struggles with mental illness within the Church.

Warren says he was called to full-time ministry when he was a 19-year-old student at California Baptist University . In November 1973, he and a friend skipped classes and drove 350 miles to hear W.A. Criswell preach at the Jack Tar Hotel in San Francisco.Warren waited afterwards to shake hands with Criswell, who focused on Warren, stating, "I feel led to lay hands on you and pray for you!”

During his time at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Warren worked at the Texas Ranch for Christ, a ministry facility of Billie Hanks, Jr., where he began writing books. He co-wrote two books, The Victory Scripture Memory Series and Twelve Dynamic Bible Study Methods for Laity with Billie Hanks, Jr., and Wayne Watts.

In April 1980 Warren held Saddleback Church's first public service on Easter Sunday at the Laguna Hills High School Theater with 200 people in attendance. Warren's church growth methods led to rapid expansion, with the church using nearly 80 different facilities in its 35-year history.
Saddleback did not build its first permanent building until it had 10,000 weekly attenders. When the current Lake Forest campus was purchased in the early 1990s, a 2,300-seat plastic tent was used for worship services for several years, with four services each weekend. In 1995, the current Worship Center was completed, with a seating capacity of 3,500. A multimillion-dollar children's ministry building and a staff office building were completed over the next few years.

In June 2008, a $20 million student ministry facility called the "Refinery" was completed, housing the "JHM" (previously known as "Wildside") middle school and "HSM" high school ministries, consisting of 1,500 students. Saddleback Church averages nearly 20,000 people in attendance each week.

Warren has been invited to speak at national and international forums, including the United Nations, the
World Economic Forum in Davos , the
African Union, the Council on Foreign Relations , Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government , TED, and Time’s Global Health Summit. He has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) since 2005.

Warren was named one of "America's Top 25 Leaders" in the October 31, 2005, issue of U.S. News and World Report.  Warren was named by
Time magazine as one of "15 World Leaders Who Mattered Most in 2004" and one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" (2005).In 2006 Newsweek called him one of "15 People Who Make America Great".

In August 2008, Warren drew greater national attention by hosting the Civil Forum on the Presidency, featuring senators John McCain and Barack Obama at Saddleback Church.  Warren said the goal of the forum was to “restore civility in our civil discourse.”

The forum marked McCain and Obama's first joint appearance as the presumptive
Republican and Democratic presidential nominees and was broadcast live on national television. During the two-hour event, each candidate took the stage separately for about an hour to respond to Warren’s questions about faith and moral issues including abortion and human rights.

In December 2008, President-elect Obama chose Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration ceremony . The decision angered pro-choice and LGBT advocates and led to criticism of both Obama and Warren.

Obama defended his choice of Warren, saying that although he disagreed with the minister's positions on abortion and same-sex marriage, there should be room for dialogue on such difficult social issues. More controversy ensued when it was announced that Warren would be the keynote speaker at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Commemorative Service on January 19, 2009, the day prior to the inauguration.

On January 20, 2009, Warren delivered the invocation, which was generally praised for its positive message.

In January 2009, Warren and the Reader's Digest Association partnered in the launch of the Purpose Driven Connection , a quarterly publication sold as part of a bundle of multimedia products.In November 2009, the partners announced that the magazine had not drawn enough paying members and would cease after publication of the fourth issue that month.


Wednesday 16 November 2016


In what could be best described as barbaric
and heartless act, a 7-year-boy was beaten
and burned to death in Lagos in the morning.

A young boy burned to death in Lagos for
stealing garri
The alleged child was reportedly given a
jungle justice for stealing.


What a heart breaking scene.
        #tell us what you think?



Pastor Oyedepo's daughter
pisses off online users
Pastor David Oyedepo’s daughter has
angered many online users over a video she

In the Facebook live video which she did,
she showed herself performing a live miracle
which made her arms extend back and forth
at numerous times. In the video (which she has since deleted), she is seen kneeling and
praying for ‘every vertebrae and disc in my
upper back to be completely gone…’ and then
immediately after, she starts to say ‘Thank
you Jesus… can you see it?… I’m raising it up
so you can see clearly…’

The video had gone viral before she removed
it. See the comments made about
it, below:


Tuesday 15 November 2016


Vegetarian and mum-of-two Tracy Kiss, 29, has
revealed that drinking what she calls 'sperm
smoothies' has boosted both her mood and
immunity. Donated by her male best friend, who
harvests it and delivers it to her up to three
times a week, she preserves the sperm by
storing it in tubs in the fridge.

Also a personal trainer and nutritional adviser,
Tracy adds it with with complementary
ingredients such as bananas, seeds and almond
milk, to make her smoothie. Sounds disgusting

However, Tracy states sperm contains lots of
vitamins and minerals – including B12, which
vegans like herself lack in their diets.

‘People are so weird about sperm when in
actual fact a teaspoon is filled with amazing
goodness,’ she says. Did her male friend and
sperm supplier initially have reservations about
being her personal sperm machine? Yes.

"When I first approached him, he was
concerned I’d use it to impregnate myself,’ she
‘But once I’d convinced him it was for
my beauty regime he agreed – after all, he has
a regular supply at hand! I know he’s healthy,
doesn’t smoke, drink or do drugs and I made
him have an STI check,’ she says.

On the taste of the donated sperm..
‘Every batch tastes different, depending on
what he’s been eating,’ she reveals. ‘If he’s
been drinking alcohol or eaten something
particularly pungent like asparagus, I ask him to
give me a heads up so I know not to drink it
neat. Things like pineapple and peppermint
make it taste better, but I’ll happily take it
straight off a spoon usually.’

Tracy also credits sperm for improving her body
complexion thorough her year long facial



Jose Leonardo, 56, who killed his wife Maria
Mbombo, 52, by stabbing her multiple times,
has been convicted of murder. Leonardo made
a search for "the most painful place to stab
someone" on google before carrying out the act
at their home in Belsize Park, west London,
back in May.
The mum-of-three who was working as a
cleaner at the time of her death, died at the
scene. Leonardo who was a driver for the
internet-based taxi company, Uber, met her in
Holland back in 1988 and they moved to north-
west London in 1993.

Prosecutor John Price QC said there was no
dispute that Leonardo killed her, but he has
claimed it was manslaughter by "loss of
control". On the day of the murder, his mobile
phone was used to make an online search for
"can I survive stab in the eye" and "most
painful place to stab someone." After stabbing
her, he stayed in his flat with his dead or dying
wife for an hour or so, before their kids arrived
and their 23-year-old son Carl dialed an
emergency number in tears.

Paramedics arrived to find him trying to
resuscitate his mother on the floor of a
bedroom. Leonardo slipped out of the house,
tried to buy a bottle of beer in a nearby store
but was refused.

The shopkeeper noticed blood
on his jacket and tried to find out what
happened. He however allegedly replied: "Just
call the police."

Officers arrived to find Leonardo wearing a
white vest drenched in blood and murmuring
"my wife is dead". He has now been found
guilty of one count of murder, but cleared of
one charge of perverting the course of justice.

Leonardo will be sentenced to life imprisonment
today, with his minimum term to be determined.
