Sunday 6 November 2016


The Pastor of House on the Rock Church (House of Refuge) Abuja resigns amidst tears,he took his time to pen down this emotional latter below .

The Great One who directs the lives of all who have truly surrendered to His Sovereign rule came knocking on the door of my heart again. I began to pick up a most prompting from the 'unusual' Spirit of God, that my task and assignment under the umbrella of House on the Rock was coming to an end! Naturally - and again, my first reaction was a rejection of such thoughts, and a refusal to contemplate such  With my natural mind and logical thinking at the time, I assumed that 'direction'. such prompting could not be from God! But the nudging and prompting was persistent and impossible to deny - if I've learned anything in my walk with Him, it is in His voice and the LEADINGS and DEALINGS of the Holy Spirit. And so after 2 years of consistent prayer and waiting upon the Lord, as difficult as it was to finally embrace and accept that it was time for yet another  “exit”.

It is against this backdrop that my wife and I chose to courageously take the step of faith in obedience to God. I have prayerfully sought the understanding and permission of my spiritual father to be released from the responsibility of pastoring the wonderful local assembly and church family of The Refuge, House on the Rock and my other responsibilities within the Rock Foundation.

Arriving at this for many reasons has evidently been one of the most difficult choices of 'decision' my entire lifetime, but I have done so with the greatest of peace and assurance in my heart knowing that whilst 'obedience may be costly, more costly is the consequence of disobedience'! I have learnt in my slightly over 3 decades' personal walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, that "absolutelynothing" must be too big for any true Child of God to lay down or sacrifice in our individual journey of obedience in the 'school of faith'! – And the bible is replete with this truth.

In the very words of the Author and Finisher of our faith Jesus Christ in John 10:18 No man taketh it om me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.

commandment have I received of my Father. is It is with these thoughts in mind that by the grace of God, I envisage and embrace what I consider to be the "entrance" to the glory of our God and His Christ. to the beginning of yet another season of fruitful and impactful kingdom service I will like to use this opportunity to appreciate every member and leader in The Refuge, House on the Rock for the privilege of serving as your pastor these many years. I wouldn't trade the on the link below to download the full latter .

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