Monday 7 November 2016


This past Sunday, during an episode of
Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday,” Rob Bell,
the former head “pastor” of Michigan’s
Mars Hill Bible Church and author of “Love
Wins,” a book questioning the orthodox
Christian view of Hell, told the talk show
host that he believes the Church is
“moments away” from embracing same-sex

Bell had appeared on the broadcast with his
wife Kristen to discuss their book “The
Zimzum of Love: A New Way of
Understanding Marriage.”
“I think it’s great that you all made a
conscious choice to include gay marriage in
[the book],” Oprah states following a clip
showing Mrs. Bell reading a
selection claiming that same-sex nuptials
are a gift to the world. “Why [did you do

“One of the oldest aches in the bones of
humanity is loneliness,” Rob Bell replied.
“Loneliness is not good for the world.
Whoever you are, gay or straight, it is totally
normal, natural and healthy to want
someone to go through life with. It’s central
to our humanity. We want someone to go
on the journey with.”
“When is the Church going to get that?”
Oprah asked.
“We’re close,” he responded.

“I think it’s evolving,” Bell’s wife interjected.
“Lots of people are already there,” Bell
added. “We think it’s inevitable and we’re
moments away from the Church accepting
He asserted that the Church will “continue
to be even more irrelevant” if it continues
to cite the Bible’s prohibitions on
homosexual behavior.

“I think culture is already there, and the
Church will continue to be even more
irrelevant when it quotes letters from 2,000
years ago as their best defense,” Bell said,
“when you have in front of you flesh-and-
blood people who are your brothers and
sisters, and aunts and uncles, and co-
workers and neighbors, and they love each
other and just want to go through life.”

“There are churches who are moving
forward and there are churches who are
almost regressing and making it more of a
battle,” his wife added

“I am for marriage. I am for fidelity. I am
for love, whether it’s a man and woman, a
woman and a woman, a man and a man,”
he said. “I think the ship has sailed and I
think the church needs—I think this is the
world we are living in and we need to affirm
people wherever they are.”
Bell likewise opined that many evangelicals
can no longer be classified as conservatives
because their beliefs have changed with the

“I think we are witnessing the death of a
particular subculture that doesn’t work. …
You sort of die or you adapt,” he asserted.
“And we have supported policies and ways
of viewing the world that are actually
destructive. And we’ve done it in the name
of God and we need to repent.”
In light of his controversial views, some
have said that Bell is leading many down a
dark and destructive path.
“Plain and simple, Rob Bell’s teachings are
not true to the words of Scripture,” Eric
Ludy, pastor of Church at Ellerslie and
president of Ellerslie Mission Society in
Windsor, Colorado, told Christian News
Network in 2013

. “They are a sly attempt at
blending the philosophies of our post-
modern age with the vernacular of pop-
Christianity. The end product is highly
dangerous to the human soul because it is
the forging of a golden calf god—a god of
our culture’s making—and certainly not the
God of the Bible.”
A lot is happening yet we say nothing ,some say that's the American church and can't happen in Nigeria .People the end is at hand.
Excerpt from Ex Ministries.

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