Tuesday 8 November 2016


The Republican candidate Trump will
win the election - having rated his chances at
just 20% when the first polls closed

Donald Trump is closing in on a Presidential
election win that is set to shake up world

Hillary Clinton went into election day with a
lead in the polls, but confidence in her
becoming America's first female President
rapidly disappeared as results started coming

Trump has won key swing states including
Ohio, North Carolina and Florida to move
toward the 270 electoral votes needed to
claim the White House.

The New York Times began predicting Trump
would win the election at around 2.45am -
having rated his chances at just 20% when the
first polls closed.
         Who is it gonna be?

In one of the stranger quirks coming
into play on election night – it is
currently possible for Donald Trump
and Hillary Clinton to hit a 269-269
tie .

To do so, Hillary would need to win
New Hampshire, Michigan,
Pennsylvania and Maine.

If Trump then wins Wisconsin, Alaska
and Arizona, the pair will tie.

In that case, the Constitution says
the House of Representatives
chooses the President, with each
state having one vote, and the
Senate choosing the Vice President.

The House of Representatives is
likely to stay Republican after the
election, guaranteeing Trump a big

If Clinton and Trump tie, no one
knows which party will control the
Senate when it convenes in January,
just in time to resolve the deadlock.

If it still has a Republican majority,
Pence would be chosen as Trump’s
vice president.

But if Democrats win Senate control,
Tim Kaine would be their pick.

That would mean a Trump-Kaine
administration – which would be a
pretty chaotic political mix.


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