Tuesday 8 November 2016



Donald Trump , clad in his uniform
blue suit and a bright blue tie, cast
his vote at the Midtown Manhattan
precinct where he is registered,
along with wife Melania Trump.

The Republican candidate arrived in an
armoured SUV and was flanked by heavy
security including counter terrorism officers
from NYPD.

After donating a few bills to a bake
sale inside the school where his
polling place is located, Trump was
asked what his campaign has heard
about the early returns from
battleground states.

“Very good - everything’s very good,”
Trump said. “It’s just very good,
generally speaking.”

To become the 45th president of the
United States, Hillary Clinton or
Donald Trump has to win 270
electoral college votes.

The candidates have spent what feels like
100 years locked in mortal combat,
but in the next few hours there will
finally be a victor. (Well, probably. If
there’s a 269-vote tie, or a
mandatory recount, prepare for
constitutional chaos.).


Hillary Clinton has overwhelmingly won the US
election - on the tiny island of Guam.
The territory in the Pacific has accurately
predicted the overall winner since 1980,
according to one news outlet.
Its 32,071 voters picked Clinton with 72% of

the total. Trump won 24% and socialist Emidio
Soltysik won 4.22%.
But it doesn’t even count.

Under the bizarre US electoral system, Guam
doesn’t get one of the 538 ‘electoral college
votes’. So their votes have gone down the

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