Tuesday 22 November 2016


my video The Truth Behind Hip Hop 6 – Detained for Entry, I spoke about aliens being evil spirits that do the work of Satan,the prince and power of the air. The bible speaks to us in Revelations 16 about threefrog-like spirits that will control earths political leaders and usher in the final conflict on Earth.John, the writer of Revelations, had no other frame of reference to describe what these beings looked like so, he used the frog to describe these alien demons. Grey aliens are inter dimensional beings  that  control the elite and all the powers of earth. Rituals are performed by high level satanists  to invoke the powers of darkness and the will of these high rankingbeings.

The elite must utilize these demons in order to achieve special powersand influence. Celebrities use them for fame and musical artists even sing about them to increase their popularity. Our government and all the world powers are under the influence of these alien beings and they will eventually wage war against God to end all things.David Blaine is a high level warlock that uses power from these aliens to do magic and perform rituals during his shows. He uses celebrities that have sold their souls to Satan to gain influence and popularity. Blaine is full of demons and many of his performances are merely rituals to put demon spirits into those that are watching and enjoying them.

When you enjoy his magic, you open yourself up to receive the spirits he is invoking. In this frog trick, he is mocking the book of revelations and spitting up 3 frogs to symbolize the frog like spirits that comes out of Satan’s end time agents according to the bible.Rev. 16:13-14And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

In the video below, David Blaine to demon possessed and even uses the 3rd eye in his hand to protect himself from death!People please beware. These rituals are dangerous and not just for entertainment but for you to be detained while somethingenters you! We are in the last days and the devil has escalated his agenda. He will always use celebrities, politicians, and those with major influence to do his bidding in exchange for more stardom andpopularity. Don’t be deceived. Any one thatis promoting himself is not promoting God.And any illusion, slight of hand, or magic trick that is meant to deceive is deception. Wake up people, our redeemer draweth nigh!.
Pst Craig Lewis #exministries

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