Tuesday 22 November 2016


I am so dumbfounded, perplexed and amazed at
the kind of Christians we have today. I do not
understand what is going on in so many called
churches. Neither do I understand the so called
Christians that attend the shrines turn churches.
I can’t help myself but ask, what Bible do this
people read? Is it the same Bible I have or there
is another type of Bible that they read that leave
them brainwashed.

 I do not understand why
most Christians of today will rather choose to
put man in the place of God in their lives. It is
amazing how the people of God have reduced
themselves from the level of humans to the level
of animals. Having minds but never using them.
Brains that never get to think or question the
falsehood that it dished to them.

It all started with people going to their pastors to
pray for them, which there is nothing wrong
about. But my question is do you have to call
your pastor or go to your pastor’s office for
prayers over every little thing in your life? What
stops you from talking to God about your
problems and needs yourself? This only tells me
how far many Christians are from God and how
much most Christians do not have a personal
relationship with God.

The scripture said those
that are led by the spirit of God are the sons of
God, not those that are led by pastors. It didn’t
stop there; Christians started paying money to
their pastors (native doctors) for prayers. I really
do not understand where in the Bible this was
ever practice or where Jesus charged anyone to
pray for them.
Then the so God Pastors started going deeper in
their practices. They prophecy and tell you how
your family members and friends are the ones
killing you and are after your progress. They
celebrate the devil and make so many dramas all
in the name of casting out demons.

Where in the
Bible did we find these kinds of practices? When
did Jesus or the disciples ever give this kind of
prophecies? Inflicting fear in the hearts of people
and turning them against their family and friends.
Why do they have to know the source of the
demon or problem before casting the demon
out? Where in the Bible did we get this doctrine
from? Is it from Jesus or from the disciples or
from the early church?

It has now gotten to the point whereby these
native doctors turn pastors will tell their
members to eat grass and they will eat. Flog
members as a sign of discipline and match on
pregnant women all in the name of casting out

It was out in the news recently, how an innocent
little child was chained in the church for days
without food or water just because according to
the native doctor who called himself a pastor
and also the father of the child, he stole meat.
I sincerely think it is high time the government in
the different nations in Africa and especially
Nigeria begin to take a close look at these
churches that violate human rights. These
shrines called churches has to be closed down
and urgently too.
My heart goes out to the innocent children that
have been a victim of these practices. I want to
call on every Christian to go back to their Bible
and study it for their selves. Build a personal
relationship with God and let the Holy Spirit lead
you that is the only way you will overcome these
evil days.
Stop running about for miracles. Stop trying to
get something for nothing. Many people have
become a victim in the hands of these native
doctors (pastors) because of greed and the lack
of desire for hard work. Do not be deceived my
brethren, for it is written in the last days many
false prophets shall arise. Be very careful who
you follow and listen to. Make sure you weigh
their teachings on the world of God. If it is not in
line with the world of God then it is from the pit
of hell.

By Dr. Bien Sufficient
Dr. Bien Sufficient is a Medical Doctor, Pastor,
Writer and a Public Speaker.President @Kingdom
Lifestyle Movement.

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