Thursday 10 November 2016


 Sick Twitter trolls call for Donald
Trump’s assassination as
violent protests erupt across
divided America.


People on social media are calling for
President-elect Donald Trump to be

It comes after angry pro-Hillary Clinton
supporters refused to accept the
Republican’s shock election win, sparking
violent demonstrations across the nation.

Twitter has erupted with comments calling for
president-elect Donald Trump to be

Some raging Clinton supporters have even
gone a step further and are calling for the
billionaire tycoon to be murdered on Twitter.

One user threatened: “My mum is talking
about assassinating Donald Trump. Watch
out, my white suburban mother is coming for

Another wrote: “So which one of you greasy-
headed depressed white gonna take one for
the team and assassinate Trump, please.”

“Yo i’m not saying someone should try and
assassinate Trump…. but if you do, don’t
miss,” another suggested.

These are just a few of the scores of people
who have threatened to assassinate him
after he beat Clinton and was elected to
take over the White House.

It appears that the social networking site
has done nothing to remove these violent
tweets where a hashtag #AssasinateTrump
was created.

Others have also called for Trump’s
nominated vice president Mike Pence to
be “assassinated”.

“If Trump gets assassinated then y’all are
gonna have Michael Pence and he is
possibly even worse. so u need to
assassinate both of them,” one wrote.

Another added: “Trump ain’t president until
Inauguration Day. You guys still have time to
assassinate both Trump and Pence.”

The Secret Service has not made any public
statement about whether these threats on
Twitter will be investigated.

Trump has achieved one of the most
improbable political victories in modern US
history – despite a series of controversies
that would easily have destroyed other

His next big day is scheduled for Friday,
January 20 2017 when he will be sworn in on
the steps of the US Capitol at noon.

The new 45th President of the United States
will then officially take over from the current
President Barack Obama.


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