Tuesday 8 November 2016


Efe Ronald Chesterfield(whose pictures are above) is a playwright,poet,author,actor and artist to mention but a few.He hails from Delta state Nigeria and went to school in the South-West where he grew with his siblings.Efe fell into the unresistable arms of the arts,haven passed through and graduated high school as a science student from.
This is a short interview with Efe,alongside some of his works...

What prompted you.Why writing?As per,you graduated science right?
 I began writing way back in secondary school, even as a science student. My elder brothers were good writers of philosophy and poetry, but that is not what sustained my writing. You will be amazed what did!

I wrote my first poem in SSS 2, to a girl I admired in another school and yes, that seemed to have the expected effect. So I began to learn how to express myself in words thereon after. After secondary school, I turned to writing for succour as I began to understand myself and life. I began to see the need for people to understand my points of views which I believe can help modify people's views in order to make this world better.

Obviously,you hate mediocrity.What's your take on that,concerning Nigerian authors? Mediocrity... Well, yes, you can say that again. I detest remaining average in whatever I do. I believe the universe expects us to improve on whatever our craft, more so, great African and classical writers have gone before us, not so we may follow their footsteps sheepishly, but so that we will not stumble where they did. I am of the opinion that subsequent generations should improve on everything and life should get better. My writing skill is a commixture of the classic and contemporary spiced
with African culture and tradition. Firstly, it is an experiment, and I am glad about the result. Every line is ladened with something you can learn from. Ninety percent of the  parables are my original thoughts.
Love and it's ingredient constitutes drives you in poetry.

 A few people have asked me the same question about love being the core theme of my writings... Well, why not? Love makes the world go round, but the earth clearly has forgotten how to revolve due to too much hate. The world definitely needs to learn how to revolve again. I love writing about love, yes.

His recent book COMEDY OF DISGRACE is in Amazon,e bay and the likes,but can be easily bought through www.promudi.com



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