Sunday 13 November 2016


The NY Daily News Reports: There are
headphones that promise great things such
as 100% noise cancelation, but then there
are those that promise you nirvana.

A new brand of headphones called Nervana
is claiming to have the ability to get users
“high” by synchronizing nerve stimulation
and sound. The headphones work by gently
sending electrical pulses to the body’s
Vagus nerve, which triggers a small boost
of dopamine in the brain.

The headphones don’t work alone, though.
They are connected to a generator that
produces the nerve signals. When listening
to music, the Nervana generator stimulates
the nerve and makes users feel calm and
relaxed after 15 to 45 minutes of use.

There are  frequencies in music
that can be use to  manipulate our
brains.  They can even cause us to lose
control of our frontal lobe guardian. This can
open us up for beings from other dimensions
and cause spiritual infestations to occur. The
devil seeks to embody us and operate
through us and these new headphones can
help him
do just that. Beware saints of God!
The devil can use the things we listen to as a
pathway into our minds so that he
can cause us to be in bondage to sin. These
mind altering headphones are dangerous. A
digital high can be just as dangerous as a
chemical high. Both will render us vulnerable
to the plight of the enemy. -G. Craige Lewis
1Pet. 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your
adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh
about, seeking whom he may devour:God bless you precious saints

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