Monday 14 November 2016


Human minds could be downloaded into robots
within 10 years, allowing human beings to ‘live
forever’, says the Russian entrepreneur who
heads a hi-tech research project called ‘Avatar’.
Itskov, a media entrepreneur, claims to have
hired 100 scientists to reach this goal – and is
now looking for other scientists to help with the

‘This project is leading down the road to
immortality,’ says Itskov. ‘A person with a perfect
Avatar will be able to remain part of society.
People don’t want to die.’

Itskov, a 31-year-old media entrepreneur, says
that he aims to transplant a human brain into a
robot body within 10 years. He says his
technology will be of interest at first to the
‘disabled and close to dying’
‘I understand these are some very big challenges
for scientists,’ Itskov says. ‘But I believe in
something you call ‘The American Dream.’ If you
put all your energy and time into something, you
can make it a reality.

Itskov envisages surgically ‘transplanting’ a
human consciousness into a robot body within 10
He hopes to then ‘upload’ minds without surgery,
leaving human bodies as empty husks as their
owners ‘live on’ inside robots.

The project is called Avatar after the James
Cameron movie, set far in the future, where
human soldiers use mind control to inhabit the
bodies of human alien hybrids as they carry out
a war against the inhabitants of a distant world.
‘The next effort of science will be to create a
new body for the human being,’ says Itskov,
speaking at the Global Future 2045 conference.
‘It will have a perfect brain-machine interface to
allow control and a human brain life support
system so the brain can survive outside the

Itskov says that the system will at first be of
interest to, ‘Disabled people and people at the
edge of dying.’
‘The third phase will be to create an artificial
human brain,’ he says – a computer environment
into which human minds can be uploaded.
The Daleks' cyborg leader 'Davros': The first
stage of Itskov's project will be to transplant a
human brain into a robot. Itskov says that the
system will at first be of interest to, 'People at
the edge of dying.'

Measuring brain waves with EEG machine:
Recent breakthroughs have allowed scientists to
‘see’ what is inside people’s heads for the first
time – but could the technology really be used
to create robot Avatars?
His final goal, he says, is to upload human minds
into holographic bodies.

Holograms give plenty of advantages. You can
walk through walls, move at the speed of light,
he says. ‘Remember in Star Wars, Obi-Wan’s
hologram? That was pretty amazing.’
Itskov says he wants to work with DARPA – the
Defense Advance Research Projects Agency in
the U.S military.

DARPA is already researching ways for its troops
to use their minds to remotely control androids
who will take human soldiers’ place on the
The Pentagon’s hi-tech research arm, has
earmarked $7million for research into the project,
also nicknamed Avatar.

According to the Darpa’s 2013 budget: ‘The
Avatar program will develop interfaces and
algorithms to enable a soldier to effectively
partner with a semi-autonomous bi-pedal
machine and allow it to act as the soldier’s

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