Friday 4 November 2016

guess what!

It was already late when she laid
Her head on her soft comfy pillow.
To think about how her day went.
All she kept thinking about was
The pretty lady who kept asking
About a kind of candy that has never
Been heard of and never been seen.

She insisted on that candy but no
One could find it. It was a big drama
At the supper market today indeed.

What surprised her most was that
Even after offering the pretty lady
Many other different candies for
Free, she still insisted on that one
Candy saying: "I know what I tasted
It had this sweet berry flavour, its kind
Of mixed with honey and everything,
Its just perfect".

She adjusted her head on the bed
And thought, how determined that
Lady was, giving up everything she
Was offered at no cost for something
She was willing to pay for.

How funny yet its calls her attention.
So she thought to herself again, is there
Anything I...  #kingdom#inspiration

                       To be continued

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