Wednesday 2 November 2016

The date 2nd November

If you like look closely, almost every date/day  of the year has a specific historic happening as such everyday is important
on its own. Most times information's like this are to help us either to learn or not to repeat the same mistake.

Lowered through a wall,John Calvin Flees Paris.
When the apostle
Paul escaped
Damascus by
being lowered
over the wall in a
basket it was not
the last time a
evangelist would
dramatically flee
from persecution.
On this day,
November 2, in 1533, John Calvin made a
similar thrilling escape from Paris.
A devout Catholic, Calvin studied law at the
Universities of Orleans and Paris. He was a
brilliant student, and with the Protestant
Reformation in the air, he began reading Martin
Luther and became a leader of the Reformation
in France, at the risk of arrest, imprisonment, or
even death.
In 1532 Calvin wrote that "Only one ...salvation
is left open for our souls, and that is the mercy
of God in Christ. We are saved by grace... not
by our works." Calvin became a leader of the
evangelical party in Paris, often encouraging his
followers with the words of Paul: "If God is for
us, who can be against us?"
In 1533 the newly elected head of Paris
University, Nicholas Cop apparently asked Calvin
to collaborate on an inauguration address. The
speech called for the church to return to New
Testament ideals. It accused traditional
theologians of being nothing but a set of
sophists. "They teach nothing of faith, nothing
of the love of God, nothing of the remission of
grace, nothing of justification, or if they do so,
they pervert and undermine it all by their laws
and sophistries. I beg of you, who are here
present, not to tolerate any longer these
heresies and abuses."
The king and church authorities were furious.
With the police hot on their heels, Cop and
Calvin fled for their lives. Calvin lowered himself
from a window on bedsheets tied together, and
escaped Paris dressed as a farmer with a hoe
on his shoulder. Taking the alias Martianus
Lucianius, he reached safety in tolerant Basel.
For three more years he wandered as a fugitive
evangelist under such assumed names. Finally
he settled in Geneva, Switzerland where he
became one of the best-known leaders of the
Reformation.where are the Calvins of our day ?

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