Wednesday 2 November 2016


Two members of the Plateau State House of
Assembly have defected to the All
Progressives Congress APC from the People’s
Democratic Party (PDP).
Their defection was announced on the floor of
the House by the Speaker, Hon. Peter Azang
Azi through a letter from the two members
which he read during the plenary.
The two defected members who contested
and won their election to the House on the
platform of People Democratic Party were
Hon. Yusuf Adamu Gagdi, the deputy speaker
of the House representing Kantana
Constituency and Hon. Nanlong Daniel who
before now was the minority whip of the
House representing Mikang Constituency.
In the letter of defection the two members
said the unhealthy situation that brought about
division in their party, PDP was what informed
their defection. They cited section 68 sub
section 1 of the constitution which allows a
legislator to defect when there was division in
her/his party.
The letter said other reason for the defection
to the ruling APC was their believe in what the
party in the state has done to better the lives
of the people.
Speaking on the defection, the majority leader
of the House, Hon. Henry Yunkwap said the
defected members would be treated equally
like other members of the party.
It would be recalled that at the inauguration of
the House, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)
had the majority members (13) while All
Progressive Congress (APC) had (11) but with
this development, the All Progressive Party
has a comfortable majority with 15 members
in the House.Who is Fooling who now ?

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